Siren Storms The Lair - Blake Neely Share: Download MP3 More song by Blake Neely The Flag Still Stands 3:20 We're Going to the Wedding 1:19 Dark Arrow, The Fuhrer 1:19 Pretending Nothing Happened 1:39 Best Wedding Ever! 4:41 Reborn / Team Kid Flash 2:21 Prometheus-x Locked Away 3:58 Not Coming Back / Enter Samuroid 2:46 A Special Kind of idiot 3:14 I Kept Running / Meet The Thinker 3:01 Oliver Wants A Yes 2:26 Couples Therapy 1:54 Being True to yourself 2:32 Unauthorized Breach / Gypsco 1:38 Sides Meet / Saving the building 3:43 Wally Leaving Central City 2:25 Big Messy Brawl with nazis 2:27 Bachelor Party 1:31 Dark Arrow Storms the lab 2:58 Snake Eye And The Weeper 2:26