Birth And Duty - Endlager Share: Download MP3 More song by Endlager Trinity Holy 4:40 Cavalery To Ride 3:25 Ride To Tribal Drum Source 3:51 Threats Mastered Tough Bass Sinkhole 3:49 Gnarly Bass Chasing Screaming Guitar 2:55 As At The End The Solo Drummer 4:42 Nice Triplets Drumming To End With 4:29 La Vision Commence En Cathedrale 3:42 Aveugle Ou Non 4:19 Les Oiseux 4:51 Wolf Brothers Twins 3:13 Marche Ose 3:27 Punishment Of The Grave 3:21 Trouver Quelque Sorte De Confidence 3:45 Fiery Patriotic Hidden Folk 3:23 N' Est Pas L' Entre A L' Enfer 3:26 Colonial Advocate 2:51 As To Leave Deutsch Suedwest Africa 3:37 Most Wanted Red Amazon 3:27 Old Ties 4:06