Apondi Llaktar - Elvis Mcafibi Originale' Share: Download MP3 More song by Elvis McAfibi Originale' Nyar Nyakach 10:16 Amillo Nyar Massai 11:11 Nyakisumo Lela 10:28 Winny Nyaimbo 10:02 Pot Of Love 9:41 Jacky Nyar Abandu 8:35 In My Dream 8:09 Lady{remix} 11:49 Steve Oyucho 9:46 Bruce Ochieng Obura 9:49 Think About The Children 8:45 Walimu 10:31 Terrysa Chocolate 12:47 Beatrice Okif 8:21 Mwandu Rumo 9:48 Adhiambo Nyoloo 9:54 Mula Mos 7:10 Joe Oyatta 10:19 Collins Bugo 10:42 Camelina 10:57