O My Love Is Like A Red Red Rose - The King's Singers Share: Download MP3 More song by The King's Singers Stille Nacht, Heilige Nacht (christmas Carol) 2:52 O Little Town Of Bethlehem 3:12 Lamorna 1:54 Barbara Allen 3:34 Deck The Hall 1:39 Bobby Shaftoe 1:23 Early One Morning 2:25 Jack The Jolly Tar 2:05 The Oak And The Ash 3:08 O Waly Waly 3:08 The Raggle Taggle Gypsies 3:21 She Moved Through The Fair 3:18 Migildi Magildi 1:42 Bugeilo'r Gwenith Gwyn 2:32 The Star Of The County Down 3:33 Londonderry Air 3:08 Dance To Thy Daddy 2:21 There Nae Luck About The House 2:24 Stille Nacht, Heilige Nacht (christmas Carol) 2:52